Now or Later: Navigating Building Upgrades

Now or Later: Navigating Building Upgrades

February 16, 2022

If you’ve made the decision to build from scratch, you’re about to embark on an exciting journey that will require lots of discussions, choices, and eventual decisions. Some of those decisions will revolve around upgrades. At your design appointment, you’ll be presented with the standard selections already included in your home, as well as potential upgrades. It’s a good idea to give thought to upgrades prior to your appointment so that you’re confident in making decisions. Below are a few recommendations from our construction and design teams, that will help you navigate the sometimes-intimidating world of upgrades.  



Attempting to revise or revamp your cabinetry after move-in can turn into a major renovation project. Making key decisions on the front-end such as painted versus stained, or the height of upper cabinets will save you from an expensive renovation later and from having buyer’s remorse right away.


Although it’s one of the most complex conversations you’ll have when building, it’s one of the most important. Rough electrical is run during the framing portion of your build, therefore it’s crucial to know what you want prior to that first stud going up. Our team of designers will tell you that there’s no such thing as too much light. Give thought to splurging on those additional recessed cans or pendant light wiring, as they are far more difficult to add after the home is complete.


Do you have a high-traffic household? Think about kids, pets, and the daily wear and tear on your floors. Upgrading to surfaces like a luxury vinyl plank can help ensure your floors withstand the test of time. Upgrading flooring later can be a complex renovation, with needing to remove base shoe molding, transition strips, and of course a house full of furniture! We recommend investing in your hard surface flooring on the front-end, to eliminate major projects down the road.


Plumbing Fixtures

Selecting the standard plumbing fixtures can help keep your overall budget in check, while still affording you the opportunity to make cosmetic changes later. Switching out faucets over time is a great way to allow your home to grow with changing trends and is a relatively easy DIY project. 

Lighting Fixtures

We’ve mentioned that it’s crucial to get your electrical in place before construction is completed, however finishing touches such as light fixtures can easily be switched out and upgraded as you settle into your new home. Take time to decorate your new space and get a feel for your design aesthetic before committing to statement light fixtures. 


This may surprise you, but countertops can in fact be upgraded later! Although more easily refreshed in bathrooms than in the kitchen, it is possible to replace and update countertops. This project may be above the typical DIY skillset, but it’s a fairly simple 1-2 day project for most contractors. If you need to make cuts to the budget, countertops can be pushed to the “later” list.

With a little thought and advanced planning, your new home will have the features you need within your budget and still be ready for any future upgrades.  


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