Maximizing the Space in your Flex Room

Maximizing the Space in your Flex Room

December 3, 2020

After spending months at home this year, you may be rethinking the best use of space for your flex room. Maybe this space is used as a guest bedroom, a playroom, a game room, or if the past year has influenced your space at all – a home office. 

Transitioning your flex room into an office space does not have to be a big to-do. This quick renovation can be well worth the time and effort to maximize your space. Before starting your renovation, you will want to consider how you want to use the space, and how many people will be working in the space simultaneously. 

Easy to move furniture, multi-purpose pieces, and functional furniture will be your best bet. If you’re hoping to create a workspace for two, consider his and hers desks, a long desk with space for two, or a common meeting area if you will be seeing clients in your home office space. 

Creating a home office space that works for you and your family comes with many benefits. Maybe you’re finally moving your workspace off the dining room table, getting some extra time to spend with family during your day, or saving a little extra money for the holiday season this year. Savings common spaces in your home while still having the ability to walk in and out of your “office” creates a huge opportunity to perfect your work-life balance. Maybe it’s slipping into the kitchen for meals with your family or having the option to sneak in a mid-day workout. No matter how you plan to schedule your day – surely, the commute from your bedroom to your desk will be quicker than it was before. Cutting out time in traffic, a morning coffee stop, and weather conditions this winter will certainly give you extra time back in your day to spend with family or finishing up extra household tasks. Finally, moving your workspace into your home can result in some extra savings at the end of the month. Cutting down on gas spending, lunch outings, and even the pressure to purchase new attire in the office can all be eliminated with your home office.

While transitioning your flex room into an office space may seem like a daunting project, it’s an easy process with many rewards. Creating a multi-functional, organized space will quickly turn your flex room into the inspiring workplace you have always dreamed of. 

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